Integrated Center of Environmental Science Studies in the North East Region (CERNESIM)
CERNESIM brings together researchers from five different faculties (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography and Economical Studies) of the Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi („Alexandru Ioan Cuza”).
CERNESIM comprises four large experimental labs and one specialized in activities concerning the effects of different economical or environment protection initiatives:
• L1: Laboratory of physico-chemical analyses of environmental pollutants.
• L2: Laboratory of biomonitoring and bioremediation of environmental quality
• L3: Laboratory for the investigation of physico-chemical processes from atmosphere and for testing new ecological technologies for gaseous pollutants sinks.
• L4: Environmatic Laboratory
• L5: Laboratory of environmental economics investigation and analysis.
More details about the CERNESIM resources and capabilities can be found here.
To find out even more about the center, have a look at the website.