TAG-EU Green Workshops
TAG-EU Green Workshop 2018 (3rd edition)
The TAG-EU team announces that our enrolled students are kindly invited to participate in the second edition of the TAG-EU ‘Green Workshop’, which will host environmental researchers from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. This third edition of the Workshop will primarily focus on the effects of air pollution on the health and well being of people living in urban areas in Romania. We will also discuss the impact of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change on poverty and hunger across the globe. We encourage interactive discussions with our keynote speakers and hope that this event will motivate you to continue being actively involved in preventing pollution within your own communities.
Glimpses from the event will be available on the TAG-EU Community page.
TAG-EU Green Workshop 2017 (2nd edition)
The TAG-EU team announces that our enrolled students are kindly invited to participate in the second edition of the TAG-EU ‘Green Workshop’, which will host academics and specialists from Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Moldova with a background in environmental related studies. The current edition of the Workshop will address ardent issues such as environmental and energy policies in Eastern European countries, both within and outside the European Union. Interactive discussions will help in generating cross-country comparisons on these issues and in identifying best practices.
Glimpses from the event will be available on the TAG-EU Community page.
TAG-EU Green Workshop 2016 (1st edition)
The TAG-EU team announces that our enrolled students are kindly invited to participate in the ‘Green Workshop’, which will host practitioners from the agricultural, forestry and public administration fields. The proposed topic of discussion regards the importance of the environment and of the natural resources as public goods (freely available for everyone), with a particular focus on the North-East region of Romania.
Glimpses from the event are available on the TAG-EU Community page.